Chapter 2 – notes

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Here are a few words you might find useful while in France…

La bise - the kisses on the cheeks to say hello to your new friends

How are you?
Comment ça va?  

I am well.
Ça va bien.

S’il vous plait

Thank you

La nourriture

I am vegetarian
je suis végétarien (male)/végétarienne (female)

I do not eat meat
je ne mange pas de viande

I am allergic to…
je suis allergique a…

pain au chocolat (chocolate croissant)

le fromage

Stinky cheese
le fromage qui pue. 
These are the best!   You can’t go to France without going to a cheese shop (la fromagerie) – get some époisses or Maroilles if you’re bold, try some crottin de chavignol (goat cheese), beaufort,etc…  The options are endless, literally.

le vin

Red/White- Rouge/Blanc

No proper French meal would be done without un café (coffee)


Sun Salutations


How much does it cost?
Combien ça coute?

What size is it?
Quelle taille?

Does that exist in x color?
Est ce que ca existe en X (blue/bleu, red/rouge, black/noir, white/blanc, yellow/jaune, green/vert, purple/violet)?

Good bye!  
Au Revoir!!!

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